Thursday, September 30, 2010

The New Cigarette Break

A whooping 500 million people worldwide use Facebook – and are on the site 700 billion minutes per month. Professor John Templeton, who teaches an accounting class at Houston Community College, is asking his students how they think social networking sites such as Facebook will affect the businesses of tomorrow. “Just last month, 57 million Americans visited social networking sites from a work computer,” said Templeton. Facebook may very well be a new generation’s version of a cigarette break. Studies say it’s the most commonly visited website at the workplace, twice as popular as Google and three times as popular as Yahoo. But how do bosses feel about it. According to, 10% of employers have had problems with employees violating social networking policies and 8% have fired someone for it. However, employers are also using Facebook to market themselves. And those millions of users also represent millions of potential customers and clients.