Friday, October 1, 2010

Bosses Ignoring Fantasy Football In The Office

Even though millions of Americans play fantasy football on office time, a new study suggests bosses aren’t necessarily cracking down on the habit. According to a survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, most employers don’t believe employees playing fantasy football in the workplace hurts productivity. When asked, “Does your company take any steps to discourage employees from partaking in fantasy football activities at the office?” mangers said:
·         No, we don’t care, as long as the quality of worker output does not decline – 46.2%
·         We block access to sports and fantasy football websites – 24%
·         We ask that they limit such activities to lunch or other breaks – 22.1%
·         No. In fact, we embrace fantasy football as a morale-boosting activity – 7.7%
·         We prohibit use of company computers for personal activities – 0%
When asked to rank the level of distraction caused by playing fantasy football on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no noticeable impact, nearly 70% said four or lower.