Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Best Jobs For High School Dropouts

Believe it or not, high school dropouts do have career options, they just aren't always very lucrative ones. Workers without a high school degree earn an estimated $973,000 in their lifetime, roughly $330,000 less than they would with a high school diploma and only a fraction of the $2.3 million one earns with a bachelor's degree, according to a report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and Workforce. That means high school dropouts, on average, earn $24,000 a year, or $11.40 per hour. While the average salary may be low, the study found more than two dozen professions that hire high school dropouts and pay more than $1 million in lifetime earnings, closer to what one would make with a high school diploma. Here are a few of them, listed by TheStreet.com:

Estimated lifetime earnings:
Percent of occupation with high school diploma or less:
Construction manager $1.5 million 34.8%
Bus and truck mechanics $1.5 million 63.3%
Office and administrative support managers $1.4 million 26.8%
Wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives $1.4 million 19.6%
Electricians $1.4 million 46.7%