There are always small ways to save a little bit of money. Bringing lunch to work or skipping the morning latte may not feel significant, but the cost savings add up over the long run. A number of Americans have done or considered doing these things and have cut back in other small ways to save money. Over the past six months, 62% of adults have purchased more generic brands and 45% are brown-bagging lunch instead of purchasing it, according to a new Harris Poll. Other findings include:
· 37% of Americans are going to the hairstylist or barber less often.
· 37% have switched to refillable water bottles instead of purchasing bottles of water.
· 27% of adults have cancelled one or more magazine subscriptions while 17% have cancelled a newspaper subscription.
· 22% have stopped purchasing coffee in the morning and cut 21% down on dry cleaning while 14% have begun carpooling or using mass transit.
· 22% have cancelled or cut back on cable television service, 17% have changed or cancelled cell phone service, and 17% have cancelled their landline service and are only using their cell phone.