Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Let Grandma Drive

A study on grandparent drivers has researchers doing a double-take over the results. The study found that kids may be safer in cars with grandma or grandpa at the wheel instead of mom or dad. The results from an analysis of State Farm insurance claims for 2003-07 car crashes in 15 states found that, overall, 1.05% of kids were injured when riding with parents, versus 0.70% of those riding with grandparents, or a 33% lower risk. The difference was even more pronounced – 50% – when the researchers took into account other things that could influence injury rates, including not using car seats, and older-model cars. The findings fly in the face of previous evidence that car crashes are more common in older drivers, mostly those beyond age 65. Researchers speculate that grandparents are extra-cautious when tasked with driving their grandchildren.