Looking for Mr. or Ms. Right? Head to New Orleans. In this year’s America’s Favorite Cities survey, readers evaluated 35 cities on boutique hotels, coffee bars, mass transit, and how bar scenes lend themselves to meeting new people. NOLA is holding tight to its No. 1 spot from last year: it’s also No. 1 for cocktails and fascinating people. Mingling there is not just about trading Mardi Gras beads, either. If you want to check out the scene beyond Bourbon Street, go to Frenchmen Street, popular with the locals for live music, dancing and bars. New Orleans also ranked first for its neighborhood cafés. The best cities to be single include:
3. Las Vegas, Nevada
1. New Orleans, Louisiana 4. New York, New York
2. Austin, Texas 5. Chicago, Illinois
3. Las Vegas, Nevada