Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nice Guys – And Gals – Really Do Finish Last

Nice guys really do finish last, according to a study at the University of Notre Dame and University of Western Ontario. After analyzing a sample of 10,000 workers across the spectrum of professions researchers found that disagreeable men earn about 18% more – or $9,722 extra a year – than their more pleasant counterparts. Rude women out-earn sweet ones by 5%, or $1,828, according to the report “Do Nice Guys – and Gals – Really Finish Last?” Less agreeable employees aren’t necessarily anti-social and are amicable for the most part, researchers said. But they’re also more inclined to pursue their interests aggressively and thrive in conflict – such as in salary negotiations. Lack of warmth is sometimes even seen as a sign of competence by many bosses, the study found. Does gender matter? Agreeable men often come across as violating tough masculine norms. And women, who are expected to be gentle and genial, often find that being disagreeable pays off less for them than it does for men.