Friday, December 2, 2011

Many Workers More Stressed During The Holidays

Not everyone will have time to deck the office halls this holiday season, a new Accountemps survey suggests. Thirty-nine percent of workers interviewed said it is more challenging to manage their workloads during the holidays. The additional burden comes at a time when many professionals are already feeling the pinch: 41% of respondents said their current workloads are too heavy.

When asked: “In general, is it more or less challenging to manage your workload during the holiday season?” workers said:
Much more challenging 14%
Somewhat more challenging 25%
No difference 44%
Somewhat less challenging 11%
Much less challenging 6%

When asked: “Which of the following best describes your current professional workload?” workers said:
Much too heavy 12%
Somewhat too heavy 29%
Just right 47%
Somewhat too light 9%
Much too light 3%