Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prepping For Doomsday - Do you think you will see it in your life time?

Prepping For Doomsday

With tsunamis, earthquakes and financial concerns dominating the headlines over the past year, National Geographic Channel and Kelton Research have released the results of a survey gauging Americans’ preparedness levels and mind-set related to a potential “Doomsday” scenario. Most Americans are fearful of catastrophes, yet are poorly prepared, according to the survey released to time with the new National Geographic Channel show “Doomsday Preppers.” The show focuses on Americans with an unshakable certainty that the world soon faces tougher times – when grocery stores are empty, water is in short supply and electricity is unavailable – and are stockpiling for survival. When asked, “Which of the following, if any, do you think might happen in the United States in the next 25 years?” respondents said:

Earthquakes 64% Significant blackout 37%
Hurricanes 63% A pandemic 29%
Terrorism 55% Nuclear fallout 14%
Financial collapse 51%

Other findings:
  • 85% of the nation is not ready for a devastating event.
  • More than 62% of Americans think the world will experience a major catastrophe in less than 20 years.
  • 71% envision a major disaster in their lifetime as an act of God, not man.
  • 27% believe that the Mayan calendar’s prediction about a calamitous event in December 2012 will be at least “somewhat true.”
  • 52% believe that if Mitt Romney or one of his Republican counterparts overtake Barack Obama, a manmade catastrophe is more likely.
  • Among those who feel unprepared, 40% cite the lasting effects of the recession as the reason for their unpreparedness.
  • The same number (40%) say “to hell with a 401(k)” to save money for catastrophe arrangements.
  • If doomsday were to arrive, 39% think they would not last two weeks based on the supplies they have on hand.