Temptations Treats for Cats and well-known animal communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick have announced the results from the world’s first-ever attempted cat survey, uncovering the truth about what cats really think. Fitzpatrick is best known for her television series on “Animal Planet.” After working with 250 cats for the survey, Sonya came away with answers to questions like what are felines’ biggest pet peeves and their favorite things to do – straight from the cats' mouth.
What is your favorite thing to do?
52% of cats said that staying on the move and roaming around the house is their favorite thing to do. And don’t bother leaving the TV on for them, only 1.6% watch TV as a favorite pastime.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Believe it or not, it isn’t that dog that bugs most cats. Close to 50% of cats surveyed actually said getting wet was their biggest annoyance; 29% chose being woken up from a nap as their biggest frustration.
What is your favorite thing to do with your human?
52% said their favorite way to spend time with their human is to snuggle up and catch some zzz’s together.