Is working from home an efficient alternative to the traditional office job or a productivity killer? The results of a new CareerBuilder survey may bolster the arguments for both sides. While 17% of Americans who telecommute at least part of the time spend one hour or less per day on work, 35% work eight or more hours – a major increase from a 2007 study in which only 18% of telecommuters said they worked eight or more hours; 40% of telecommuters work between four and seven hours per day. The national survey reveals that Americans are able to work from home on a more regular basis post-recession: 10% telecommute at least once a week – up from 8% in 2007 – while 37% of telecommuters say they are more productive at the office, 29% report they are more productive at home; 34% do not see a difference. Telecommuters say the biggest distractions at home are:
Household chores | 31% | Errands | 19% |
TV | 26% | Internet | 18% |
Pets | 23% | Children | 15% |
The best part about working from home? The survey found that 30% of telecommuters tend to work in pajamas – 41% of females and 22% of males.