Valentine’s Day Gifting Trends & Romantic Expectations
A survey from Sears shows that Valentine’s Day will be a date to remember for many couples. Forty percent of men and women in relationships say they expect or are planning to get engaged on February 14th. Meanwhile, for those not yet ready to take the big leap, a choice piece of bling may still be the way to go – 29% of women would choose jewelry if they could pick only one gift to receive for Valentine’s, followed by flowers or chocolate (20%), perfume (9%), the latest technology product (8%), lingerie (8%), a kitchen or home item (6%), shoes, handbag or other accessory item (5%), clothing (5%), or a fitness/exercise item (1%). Other findings:
61% of men admit they have given a Valentine’s Day gift that had no thought behind it.
27% of respondents plan to have a low-key evening at home.