Break Up With Your Ex! has launched to help people dump their ex before Valentine’s Day. Last year determined that 71% of people think about their ex “too much” and 57% would like to “break up” with them. From now through February 13th, is providing support to millions of people to make the break from their exes digitally (i.e. unfriend him/her on Facebook, unfollow him/her on Twitter, delete his/her phone number, untag his/her photos, etc…). The site is also encouraging people to improve their own wellbeing as they mend their broken hearts by giving themselves a “breakover” – a makeover designed to move beyond a failed relationship. Additional YourTango research shows that women are more confident about being independent than ever before. They are taking proactive steps – eating right, exercising, shopping and spending time with friends – to move on from an ex.
84% believe a break-up provides the best opportunity for self-improvement.
64% tend to lose weight through diet and exercise after a breakup.
72% have de-friended their ex, whereas only 41% surveyed last year at this time had done so.
81% of respondents said that having sex with your ex is always a bad idea.
93% found it totally inappropriate to ever end a relationship electronically.
Wine topped the survey as the go-to comfort food/beverage to mend a broken heart, followed by chocolate and fruits or veggies.