Competitive Eating Records – Can You Beat This?!
Competitive eating is much more serious than just ordering a double-double cheeseburger. It’s about putting in long, hard hours of training and fighting harder week after week. In order to learn a bit more about the world of competitive eating, Food Service Warehouse did some research on 3 world eating champs. Here are some of the findings:
Joey Chestnut ate 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes. That’s 10,196
calories in hotdogs and buns – enough energy consumed to power his body
for 7 days or enough to power a light bulb for 60 days. It would take
26,000 pushups to burn off all those calories.
Oleg Zhornitskiy ate 9 jars of mayonnaise in 8 minutes. He consumed enough energy to power a Prius for 45 miles.
Sonya Thomas ate 65 hard boiled eggs in 6 minutes, 40 seconds.
That’s equivalent to 15 weeks worth of eggs for the average person!
Here are some other bizarre eating accomplishments:
Don “Moses” Lerman ate seven quarter-pound sticks of salted
butter in five minutes at the Fox Glutton Bowl in 2002. He also once
downed six pounds of baked beans in one minute, 48 seconds. He’s still
farting nearly 10 years later.
Joey Chestnut ate 103 Krystal Burgers in eight minutes on
October 28, 2007. That’s just over 16 burgers a minute – or one every
3.75 seconds. He also holds the asparagus record, downing 9 lbs, 5.2 oz
of deep fried asparagus spears in 10 minutes at the Stockton Asparagus
Fest on April 16, 2011. Chestnut also holds the record for the most
grilled cheese sandwiches, scoffing 47 in 10 minutes on June 10, 2006.
Sonya Thomas holds the record for the largest amount of
fruitcake consumed in 10 minutes, scoffing down four pounds, 14 1/4
ounces of Wegmans Fruitcake on December 30, 2003. She also downed 36
dozen Acme oysters in 10 minutes on March 20, 2005; 38 Moon Pies in
eight minutes at the Lady Luck Caruthersville Moon Pie Eating World
Championship on October 16, 2010.
65-year-old Dick LeFevre put away six pounds of Spam from the can in 12 minutes at the Spamarama festival on April 3, 2004.
Takeru Kobayashi boasts the record for the most cow brains eaten, with 57 (17.7 pounds) in 15 minutes.
The record for eating live cockroaches is held by Ken Edwards
of Derbyshire, England. In 2001 he ate 36 hissing Madagascar roaches in
one minute.
- Patrick Bertoletti set a record at the 7-Eleven Sports Slurpee competition on April 15, 2010, by