Tuesday, November 1, 2011

9/11 Victims Comp Fund Accepting Claims

The September 11th Victims Compensation Fund has begun accepting claim applications on its website, the U.S. Justice Department said yesterday. Officials said claimants who have registered for the fund can complete an online eligibility form that will be used to determine whether they are eligible for compensation. The fund was created by Congress shortly after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States to compensate the victims of the attack or their families in exchange for their agreement not to sue the airline corporations involved. The website is www.vcf.gov. Claimants who suffer from a covered condition have until October 3, 2013, to file a claim. Others will have two years from the date on which they knew or should have known of the condition for which they seek compensation until the fund stops accepting claims in 2016.