Monday, November 7, 2011

Name The White House Thanksgiving Turkeys

Got a couple of good gobbler names for a pair of Minnesota turkeys headed to the White House? Thirty tom turkeys are being raised on a farm just outside of Willmar, Minnesota, for the traditional presidential Thanksgiving ceremony. Two of them will be chosen for the trip to Washington, D.C. One turkey will be the alternate and the other named the 2011 National Thanksgiving Turkey, which means it will receive the traditional pardon from President Barack Obama on the day before Thanksgiving. Now through November 10th, you can submit two possible names on the Presidential Turkey website, After November 10th, go to the Minnesota Turkey Facebook page, search for “Minnesota Turkey” and click “Like” to vote for your favorite turkey name. Just a couple of snags – you must be a Minnesota resident, age 13 or older in order to participate. The 10 most popular sets of names from the Facebook voting will be forwarded to the White House for consideration. President Obama and his family will reportedly make the final selection. Last year’s names for the turkeys were “Apple” and “Cider.” Other names used for White House turkeys are “Pumpkin” and “Pecan,” “May” and “Flower” and “Marshmallow” and “Yamy.”