Gifts exchanged during white elephant parties – where people often unburden themselves of useless or unwanted items – are designed to amuse more than amaze. A new survey by The Creative Group confirms there’s no lack of funny business when these activities occur in the office. Here are some actual objects bestowed upon coworkers during year-end white elephant parties:
- “Someone gave me a framed picture of himself.”
- “I was given a used ashtray.”
- “I literally received a white elephant.”
- “The strangest item I’ve ever seen exchanged was a World War II gas mask.”
- “The same fruitcake went around the office two years in a row.”
Regifting is common around the holidays, but these employees took the concept to the extreme by wrapping up these worn-out items:
- “A broken umbrella”
- “A used candle”
- “Dirty oven mitts”