third person has accused Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie
Fine of molesting him as a child. Zach Tomaselli, a 23-year-old Maine
resident, told police last week Fine molested him in 2002 in a
Pittsburgh hotel room when Tomaselli was 13. The accusation prompted a
search of Fine’s home in DeWitt, New York, Friday, during which
authorities seized documents. Former Syracuse ball boy Bobby Davis has
also accused Fine of molestation for more than 12 years beginning in
1983, before he was in the seventh grade. Davis’ step-brother, Mike
Lang, also claims he was abused by the coach. A recording of a phone
conversation Davis made with Fine’s wife, Laurie Fine, in 2002 reveals
she knew of the coach’s alleged misconduct, ESPN said. In the
conversation, Laurie Fine reportedly tells Davis, “I know everything
that went on with him. ... Bernie has issues, maybe that he’s not aware
of, but he has issues.”