Tuesday, October 4, 2011

‘Dictionary Of Men’

The first “Dictionary of Men,” co-authored by Jane Black and Maria Blanco, is defining the male species based on hometown, alma mater, profession, car, shoes, hygiene, social skills, favorite food, cocktail of choice, among other intimate characteristics. Holding no punches, the “Dictionary of Men” pinpoints 365 different male types, one for every day of the year. Short, witty definitions capture hundreds of men in part one: “The A-Z Dictionary.” Part two, “True Romantic and Unfortunate Encounters (TRUE),” contains illustrated, real-life dating episodes that define specific males. The content comes from stories told by women. Here is just a small taste of some the definitions:

Army Man: First line of defense, extremely responsive. Tough exterior, soft interior. Always trying to prove he’s really better than a Navy guy. (See Divorcé)
Dentist: Shakes your hand and tells you he’s a doctor. Books your next date before you start the first.
Square-Toe Wearer: Up to speed with trends. Views his pricey shoes as a reflection of his priceless loins. (See Napoleon Complex)
Yacht Club Member: Owns at least one pair of pink pants with lobsters and a baby-blue-and-white seersucker jacket. Talks with marbles in his mouth after two drinks. Tells you he’s a descendant of one of America’s founding fathers. (See Preppy)