Sinking Ship: Jump Or Wait?
Age matters when it comes to making a decision to try and swim to safety or wait for help if your found yourself on a sinking cruise ship. A Poll Position survey asked, would you choose to stay on the sinking ship hoping help would come, or would you jump into frigid waters to try and swim to safety. The choice of 42% of respondents was to jump in the water to try and swim to safety, 29% said they would stay on the ship hoping help would come, 29% had no opinion. Young people were more likely to swim for it while older Americans said they would wait for help. In the 18-29 year old age group, 63% said they would jump into the water and try to swim to safety, 15% would wait for help, 22% had no opinion. Among Americans 65 and over, 45% would stay on the sinking ship hoping for help, 24% said they would jump in the water to try and swim to safety, 31% did not offer an opinion. Among men, 43% said they leap into the water and swim for it, 29% would stay on the ship and hope for help, 28% offered no opinion. Women offered close views with 41% saying they would jump into the frigid water to try and swim to safety, 30% said they would stay on the sinking ship hoping for help, 30% did not have an opinion.