Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Shopping Technology Use Overrated

The use of technology for shopping by young adults is significantly overrated. Consumers between the ages of 18 and 25 would rather shop in brick-and-mortar stores for clothing and shoes, according to a study at LIM College, although 66% said they head online to do product research and price comparisons first. Additionally, while social media plays a role in brand awareness, 88% said they opt not to shop on Facebook or Twitter. Other findings:

  • Only 23% shop from a tablet or a smart phone.
  • 66% like to think about their purchase before buying.
  • 56% pay for most of their purchases via debit cards vs. cash or credit cards.
  • Only 20% shop from flash sale sites such as Rue La La, Gilt Groupe, etc. In fact, the majority do not know about them.