Wednesday, October 26, 2011

‘Save The Rednecks’ PSA Launched

Misconceptions, derogatory jokes and unfortunate images on the Internet have pushed many rednecks, found throughout all regions of the United States, into the closet. Some experts have even theorize that driving this smart, hardworking and resourceful community underground has fed the current economic trouble. It was the rednecks who quenched our thirst during Prohibition with moonshine, built the rockets that allowed the U.S. to land on the moon and win the space race, and invented the pick-up truck hot tub. And without their inspiration the world would have been deprived of some of our culture’s most beloved celebrities, characters and films, including Toby Keith, the Duke Brothers, Ricky Bobby, “Smokey and the Bandit” and “Thelma and Louise.” The National Geographic Channel has launched its “Save the Rednecks” campaign. Inspired by the network’s popular “hillbilly ingenuity” series “Rocket City Rednecks,” the initiative aims to break down negative stereotypes. Travis Taylor, the series’ host/rocket scientist/lead redneck, explains “There was a time when redneck was referred to hard-working, self-sufficient farmers whose necks would sunburn while working in the fields. Those farmers had to be smart and had to solve problems with just what they had on hand. That is what a redneck is! Being called ‘redneck’ ain’t an insult, it’s a compliment!” Taylor adds, “Nothing says you can’t have a Ph.D. and also be a redneck!” To do your part to support the cause, log on to – because it’s never too late to save a redneck.