Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Few Fans Jilted At Last Year’s Super Bowl To Attend This Year’s For Free - What would you want to be done?

Few Fans Jilted At Last Year’s Super Bowl To Attend This Year’s For Free
At last year’s Super Bowl in Dallas, 3,200 ticket-holding fans were denied the chance to take their seats because some seating was deemed unsafe. The league offered the displaced fans some make-good options, including entry to this year’s game in Indianapolis. But only 246 of the bumped ticketholders took the NFL up on its deal to attend. The Indianapolis Star theorizes that some fans who were offered tickets to this or another future Super Bowl are holding out for a more attractive matchup and location. There’s also the likelihood that some fans rejected the offer because they’re involved in a lawsuit over the fiasco. Meanwhile, 254 temporary seats added to Lucas Oil stadium have been given the thumbs-up by authorities.