Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Germiest Places In Your Kitchen - What is your secret to keeping clean?

The Germiest Places In Your Kitchen
“Good Morning America” teamed up with Consumer Reports to find the germiest places in a kitchen. Here are the biggest offenders:
Sticky Fingers: Your own fingers can spread more germs than any other tool in your kitchen. Salmonella from raw meat, dirt from unwashed vegetables and outside material on your hands can all contaminate your kitchen.
Your Stuff and Your Counter Tops: Your keys, your purse, and even the mail can transport bacteria into your home from the outside. Your purse has been on store counter tops and the mail has been in many hands before reaching the kitchen-these items should never be deposited near your family’s food.
Reusable Grocery Bags: Doing your part to save the planet may contaminate the environment in your kitchen. Reusing the same bags overtime to transport raw meats and vegetables can cause bacteria to grow on the surfaces of the tote.
The Fridge and Freezer: Keep them cold enough. To keep food fresh and bacteria free-your refrigerator should be kept between 32 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The freezer should be kept at zero degrees.
Dishcloths: Dishcloths are often crawling with bacteria while posing as a cleaning tool. When you wipe your hands after handling raw food and then use the cloth to wipe down other surfaces, the bacteria is transferred.
Kitchen Sink: The kitchen sink harbors dirty dishes, a breeding ground for bacteria. The sink’s handles are usually the first stop after handling raw food-thus, a magnet for salmonella and other dangerous bacteria.
Microwave: The microwave is a hotbed of germ activity. Harmful bacteria can certainly collect on the visible spills left behind on the inside of the microwave. However, germs can also accumulate on the exterior buttons. Sticky fingers often use the microwave buttons dozens of times between washes.